Inform Wisconsin -- Who are we? What is Inform Wisconsin?

Today more than ever, information & referral and information & assistance programs fulfill a vital need in Wisconsin, both in our communities and statewide. Human needs are more complex and having access to community resources requires the guidance of information and referral professionals.

To help meet the demands of the job, information and referral/assistance specialists turn to professional organizations for training and support. Inform Wisconsin is just that organization!

Inform Wisconsin is dedicated to developing and maintaining a high quality, coordinated information and referral network for Wisconsin and is an affiliate of Inform USA formerly known as AIRS, the national organization.

Our mission is to promote the information and referral profession and support professionals engaged in Information & Referral and Information and Assistance.

Inform Wisconsin Objectives

  • Promote excellence and professionalism in the fields of I&R and I&A
  • Provide a vehicle for peer support, regular communication, and training
  • Support cooperation between information and referral providers
  • Promote public awareness and understanding of the role and function of I&R services as a vital link between service seekers and service providers

Inform Wisconsin History

Inform Wisconsin, formerly WisconsinAIRS, is a statewide, nonprofit professional association of Information & Referral (I&R) and Information and Assistance (I&A) organizations and individuals.