Join Our ListServ
When your agency joined Inform USA it automatically became a member of its state affiliate, Inform Wisconsin. There is a member listserv to which you and other agency staff are invited to subscribe. You will receive information from members of both organizations and keep current in the field of Information and Assistance.
To register for the Inform USA Networker listserv visit Select the Get Started Button under Join the Discussion to create a member login. Open forums/digests are emailed daily.
Inform Wisconsin sends out conference date savers, updates, newsletters, notices on study groups for those who are interested in sitting for a certification exam, as well as testing locations and dates. Other date savers for I&A trainings may also be posted and we sometimes forward updates from Inform USA that our members may find of interest. Member agencies should feel free to share date savers of events they have planned that would draw regional or state-wide attendance from among our members.
Email moc.liamgnull@nisnocsiwmrofni if you would like to be added to the Inform Wisconsin Listserv.