Inform Wisconsin & Inform USA Membership
Two memberships for one price!
Membership is open to independent not-for-profits, individuals, government programs, United Ways, Red Cross Chapters, crisis hotlines, libraries, military service centers, senior services, child and adolescent services, religious charities, multi-service organizations and others with an interest in supporting Inform Wisconsin goals.
A single integrated membership structure provides automatic membership to both Inform USA and Inform Wisconsin. So you can join both Inform USA and Inform Wisconsin for a single fee!
Your membership also entitles you to a reduced cost Member Rate when registering for the Annual Inform Wisconsin Conference coming this Fall.
To join or renew a membership, download the application from For a full detailed description of membership benefits at each level, please visit the
Membership Renewal
Watch your mail. The renewal notices are sent out by Inform USA. There are four membership levels - Premium, Enhanced, Standard and Basic. A single integrated membership structure provides automatic membership for both Inform Wisconsin and Inform USA. All new and renewing memberships begin on January 1.
Are you a growing agency? Consider upgrading your membership to a higher level for more benefits. For more information on membership and the benefits of membership go to . At that site you can also download a membership application form. If you have questions, contact Inform USA membership manager at gro.asumrofninull@wehttam.